The sculpture pictured here contains the secret to finding joy in the New Year. The Roman god Janus with his two faces is associated with beginnings and endings, passages and transitions. He is usually depicted with one face looking to the past and one to the future. And to the careful observer, the …
Being Present
Life Lesson: No Need To Worry
I saw a Facebook post yesterday in which a mom was beginning to worry about whether she’d experience what’s known as empty nest syndrome when her kids move out. She saw herself as not having much of a life outside of her parenting role and was concerned that she should be doing things now to prevent …
Life Lesson: Accepting the Unacceptable
Today I got an email (one of those daily inspiration ones) that asked me to “contemplate the meaning of acceptance.” This got me to thinking. Can I accept my flaws as well as my gifts? Can I accept others however they are? Can I accept the world situation? Can I accept my current feelings? Can I …