Every once in a while life hits us with some sort of change in circumstances: we lose a job, a relationship ends or one begins, our financial situation takes a sudden change, we experience a health crisis, or someone close to us dies and we realize how short life is. There are lots of ways that the …
Life Lessons
a blog about living consciously
Perfectionism: Virtue or Vice?
Perfectionism. Is it a Virtue or Vice? Most people tend to think of perfectionism as a negative characteristic yet are extremely resistant to letting go of it. My client Jim felt the burden and stress of his perfectionistic tendencies. He could see that it never let him rest and was always …
Why Do We Procrastinate and How Do We Stop?
Procrastinating on what you know you should be doing comes with plenty of costs you're probably familiar with: scrambling at the last minute, doing less than your best work, maybe even a sense of guilt or shame. But what about the payoffs? There must be some reward for procrastinating, otherwise …
Overcoming Performance Anxiety
Musicians, dancers, performers of all types know the signs: dry mouth, sweaty hands, butterflies in the stomach, racing heartbeat, trembling, shallow breathing, tense muscles, tenacious worry, agitation, restlessness. These are all familiar experiences for those with performance anxiety. We’re fine …
Finding Your Life Purpose
Many of my clients come to me wanting to discover their life’s purpose. They’re feeling a lack of direction or clarity about what they’re doing and are desperate to know that they’re on the right track. They don’t want to come to the end of their lives and realize they were chasing the wrong dream, …
By Kristie Santana Human beings have a unique evolutionary superpower. It has fueled our ingenuity as a species, while also acting as a form of kryptonite if left unchecked. The American Psychology Association refers to it as “Task-Unrelated Thoughts” or “Stimulus Independent Thoughts,” but you …