I saw a Facebook post yesterday in which a mom was beginning to worry about whether she’d experience what’s known as empty nest syndrome when her kids move out. She saw herself as not having much of a life outside of her parenting role and was concerned that she should be doing things now to prevent …
Personal Development
Life Lesson: Accepting the Unacceptable
Today I got an email (one of those daily inspiration ones) that asked me to “contemplate the meaning of acceptance.” This got me to thinking. Can I accept my flaws as well as my gifts? Can I accept others however they are? Can I accept the world situation? Can I accept my current feelings? Can I …
Life Lesson: Letting Go
My life lesson for today is letting go. This seems like the lesson I keep having to relearn every few weeks or so. I’ve discovered that when I begin to focus on particular outcomes, all sorts of holding on shows up in me; muscles get tight, my thoughts obsessively focus on one thing, my perspective …