This part of the website is dedicated to getting you started with your transformation by providing resources, information and education, nearly all for free. As time goes on, more and more will be added to this page, so check back often. Though I would be happy to work with you one on one, I also want to provide these resources so you can get started today. Our first coach is always ourselves.
4-Minute Fix
Short video series on Youtube
Short, fun videos (four minutes or less) addressing lots of different issues or blocks we all experience. Topics include procrastination, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, stress, and many more.
Guided Meditations & Visualizations
Envisioning Your Life and Deep Centering Meditations
Listen to these guided meditations to help you set powerful intentions, create a powerful vision for your life or to regain the balance and centeredness of your natural state of being. You can return to them over and over.
Creating a Conscious Life
4 Steps Toward Living Purposefully
Click the button to purchase this downloadable e-book and start creating your life on purpose. If you add your name to my email list you’ll get access to the 4 Steps to Conquer Self Doubt video and tons of other resources including a discount code to use to purchase this ebook.
Interviews with Paul Boehnke
Check out podcasts and interviews I’ve done about how to move past the hold self doubt and self judgment have on us.
7 Gateways to More Purpose & Joy
In this 10-part video series, you’ll discover the seven gateways that allow you to bring greater meaning and purpose to your own life and how to infuse a sense of joy in everything you do. You will learn to recognize these gateways and you will leave with the keys that can bring into your life all the things you want. Each video is approximately 10-15 minutes long.
The best part of these gateways is that they are the doorways to improving all parts of your life—your relationships, career, finances, anything you’re not quite satisfied with. Click the button below to watch.
Energy Leadership Index Assessment
An Online Assessment and Personal Debrief
Discover the habits that support you and those that stand in your way so you can experience greater satisfaction in all areas of your life.
Life Lessons
A Blog About Living Consciously
4 Steps To Discovering Your Purpose
What causes a lack of purpose? Why is it sometimes difficult to discern what is uniquely ours to contribute to the world? How can we uncover our calling?