E.L.I. Assessment and Individual Debrief | Cost: $295
How do you interact with the world around you? Do you live to serve others or yourself? Do you feel connected to the universe and part of the unfolding of life or like a victim of circumstances? Do you live with a deep sense of purpose and peace or is there conflict and drama in your life? This assessment is a powerful tool to help you jump start the life you want.
We all view the world through various lenses or filters which are created by our experiences, values and assumptions. Those filters will either limit or expand what we see and what we think about our circumstances. This in turn, impacts how we feel and react in different situations. The E.L.I. (Energy Leadership Index) Assessment provides insight/awareness about your own filters and how they impact your experiences. This awareness is the first step in being able to make conscious choices in creating the life you really want. The results of the assessment are generally quite eye-opening.
The E.L.I. is an attitudinal assessment. It differs from personality assessments such as the highly effective Myers Briggs and D.I.S.C. The E.L.I. is not intended to label a person and help them work constructively within that label. Instead, it reveals the patterns of behavior, thought and feeling you rely on in your life that are based on your attitudes, perceptions and perspectives. And because these patterns are learned, they can be unlearned. Whatever patterns you find aren’t helpful can be replaced with behaviors that let you live your best life.
The assessment is filled out online and takes about 20 minutes to complete. Your results will be emailed to you prior to your debrief with me. After you complete the assessment, I will contact you to schedule a time for the debrief. The debrief will take approximately an hour and a half.
During the debrief session, you will come to understand the results of your assessment and learn what they mean for your life. This awareness is the first step toward making positive changes. This assessment will also highlight areas you might choose to focus on in your personal growth.
Included in the cost is the online assessment and a personal debrief session in which we’ll go over your results. Though it will be possible to contract for further coaching sessions based on your discoveries during the debrief, there is no obligation to do so.
The E.L.I. Assessment and debrief is the first step in increasing awareness of your life’s energies so you can experience greater satisfaction in all areas of your life. Click “Add to Cart” below and purchase the assessment now. After clicking, your shopping cart will appear at bottom of page where you can enter any coupon code.
$295 (all sales final)
(After clicking, scroll to bottom of page to confirm and enter any discount code. Then click yellow “Check out with Paypal” button. You will be taken to PayPal where you can pay securely online. After payment you will receive an email within 24 hours with the link to the assessment. Please click “Return to Merchant” where you can book your appointment for your personal debrief session. Please allow at least one week between completing the assessment and your debrief appointment.)